

Making the case that doing stuff beats having stuff

Some people like getting stuff, and some people like doing stuff. That was the insight around our work for Groupon, a values-based marketplace offering deals on activities, travel and other experiences.  

We launched the new brand positioning with the “Haves & Have-Dones” campaign which quite literally provided a comparison of the people who live life full of experiences versus those who value more materialistic things.

When Tiffany Haddish went on Jimmy Fallon and talked about her love of Groupon, the brand leveraged her as a spokesperson to express her love for all the things Groupon has to offer.

Haves vs. Have-Dones :30
Beauty OLV
Food OLV
Getaways OLV
Who Wouldn't :30
Celebrity :30
Pool Boy :15
Circle of Life :30
Mani-Pedi :15